Investor-ready test & improvement plan

1:1 service

This service is offered to digital technology startups and SMBs that are seeking capital. It is important to quality assure everything from agreements, investor pitches, financial statements, pricing and dilution, data rooms, etc.

The service, which is a 1:1 service, involves testing all of these aspects and providing suggestions for improvements if there are any deficiencies. 

Target group: early phase startups and SMB´s

Date: TBA

What you get

1. Review of investor pitch


2. Evaluation of dilution and cap table


3. Review of data room structure and content


4. Presentation of findings and proposal for improvement plan


Application Deadline: TBA

Valueprice: 28.800 NOK

Discount: 90%

Price for startups/SMB: 2.880 NOK

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